
忽然要我想一個Blog標題還真是不知該用什麼 腦海中忽然就浮現這五個字 我果然是憂國憂民ㄚ =D

星期日, 2月 19, 2006


電影的主旨主要是在討論以暴制暴是否真能平復受到的傷害,冤冤相報何時能了....說真的,這種電影並不能說好看,因為它看起來太沉重,好幾次,片中角色的對話令我不禁熱淚盈眶....片中那位販賣巴解組織人員消息給以色列幹員的情報販子對以色列情報員說 Someday you will have a home like it. It will be pricey, but it always does for something that's worthy ( something like it, i don't remember the exact words) 為了給後代一個美好的家園必須付出極大的代價.....讓我不禁想起我們國家現在的處境....說真的,以色列的處境和台灣很像,四周都是對它懷有很大的惡意的國家(整個阿拉伯世界之於以色列,中國之於台灣).....以色列人為了自己的家園,即使四面環敵仍是堅守那裡,即使付出極高的代價卻依舊不退讓,可是台灣人呢?.....當然,我並不完全認同片中主角的方式,用暴力來反制暴力最後傷的還是自己...只是,還是很佩服以色列人誓死捍衛家園的勇氣.......我收回電影不好看這句話,即使很沉重,仍然是一部非常感人的電影.......


Blogger pandaming said...

who probably set up the blog to block comments by accidentally.

all your messages were very well written..i especially agree with the one regarding 'language' and the purpose of it~ there are indeed flaws in our educational system, not only language. The Taiwanese system does not inspire students to learn. I can hardly recalling ever meeting a teacher who modelled the love for learning while growing up within the system ( i am not saying that they are bad teachers....). It's quite easy to be critical about the Taiwanes Ed system, yet, it's not a problem solely caused by the educators or the education reform movement. The root of our 'problem', as a nation and as a community, is Nationalism itself. Yet, the deire (or lack of) to be recognized as a nation may not be the solution either. The ideal of 'Nation' unites people; at the same time, it also creates segregation. Will Taiwan be truly better of as a nation? Or have we simply been deceived by the sensationists claim of the island's politicians who care for nothing but their own political gains?


junk food, snack, nibbles, bites, treats...etc.

i have the same problem..i am probably also at the peak of my life.... you guys won't recognize me when you see me...hahah

ps. i still can't comment on other articles..

7:16 上午  
Blogger pandaming said...

oh btw..can you pass on my blog to others?? (whoever might be interested in my life....)


7:18 上午  


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