
忽然要我想一個Blog標題還真是不知該用什麼 腦海中忽然就浮現這五個字 我果然是憂國憂民ㄚ =D

星期日, 3月 26, 2006

年近30沒結婚也沒對象...so is it a crime?

最近我們家有一堆喜事..堂妹momo五月要結婚,堂姊前一陣子從美國帶了男朋友回來拜見父母...決定10月要訂婚了....我弟也向交往多年的女朋友求婚..好事應該也不遠了吧(right?Mingo?)....恭喜恭喜....I am happy for all of them, really I do....but....

堂姊回美國後阿嬤跟我說:加油喔!下一個換你了...我苦笑著不知該說什麼...前一陣子表姊生了一個好可愛的小baby...外婆歡喜做阿祖之餘...也不忘老調重彈:有沒有朋友啊?緊帶一個來給阿嬤看...下一個就是你啦...當場臉上三條線(害我現在都不太想去找阿嬤)....老爸三不五時就對人說有沒有什麼好對象幫我們女兒介紹一下(連第一次見面的我實驗室的學姊都難逃魔爪)...小姑姑更狠,直接強行帶走我的照片以便於隨時有機會出賣我.......唉....拜託各位長輩們 能不能行行好別再煩我了???

唉...何時我才能逃脫這個魔咒?為了不要被人輕易出賣...我決定要開出以下的基本條件: 不抽煙 不喝酒 不賭博 無不良嗜好 絕對要是個堅守台灣主權的人 有正當工作及固定收入 身體健康 孝順父母 重視家庭(當然是雙方都要重視) 非宗教狂熱份子(你有你的信仰很好 但請不要一直跟我傳教) 無暴力傾向 非卡奴(當然就是沒有欠任何債) 開朗樂觀個性好 脾氣好 身高180以上(就是自己矮才喜歡高的人嘛) 體重不要過重(就是自己肥才不喜歡胖的人) 長的像唐澤壽明或竹野內豐(我就是作夢,怎樣 不行喔?).....我想太多?要求太多? 難道我就不能有所要求嗎?難道30歲的女生只能任人挑選? 如果真是這樣,那我寧缺勿濫....

其實說真的,與其說要幫我介紹好對象,我更希望有人可以幫我介紹個好工作勒...靠山山會倒...還是靠自己最好 ...有沒有? 告訴我好工作哪裡找?...十二萬分的感恩ㄋ....


Blogger pandaming said...

i like the expectations you've set....in fact, that's MY EXPECTATIONS for my brother-in-law as well!!!!!! =) dreaming?? HECK! it's about a life time of committment!!!! IRResponsible???? what's MORE irresponsible than putting your daughter up for 'sale' and thinking that you can just pick someone out of the blue and HOPING that things will eventually work out (with a bit of compromising and a bit of patience) ALLL BULL!!!!!!

One of the most amazing thing in life....falling in love~ One of the most fortunate thing in life......falling in love and then am able to hold onto that person and be together forever~

how can you find love if you are under such pressure...that's beyond me... Sis...i am behind ya all the way.. you can't find the right one, then you just gotta wait. even if it means you find the right person when you are 40...and you won't be able to have kids then..but at least you will have a soul mate who's worthy... if you like girls...thne you like girls!!!! I am sure Ang Lee would be proud of you nevertheless!! it's a different world now...

i think what you need to do now is really make up your mind, and let them know what you want!! if you are appearing to be goal-less and nothing matters...then of course they are gonna be worried and wanting to do all these things for you....but if you appear to be more motivated..either in life or in career..then they will have to back off cus you've proved that you can take care of yourself (with or without a husband)... SO IT"S REALLY UP TO YOU!!!!

then again, will you have regret? that's a question that only God knows..

hang in there~ ( you can always spend your money on spoiling MY kids, u know~ hahahhhah)

3:34 上午  
Blogger FT said...

So you write essays everywhere else except your own blog, huh Ming?

Yes I agree with your brother. Be more motivated and show your papa and families that you actually care and you have expectations. And hopefully they'll leave you alone.
Good luck!
Though you can forget about 竹野內豐, that's what Nica (my fiance) wanted all the time as well, but she could only get me. But maybe you'd have a better luck than her.

6:18 上午  
Blogger pandaming said...

yo sis...i didn't think that i would ever say this... but i am going to agree with lance this time... you ain't always getting what you want...

then again... you still gotta aim HIGH!!!! in Nica's case.... it's a HUGE letdown...but such is life... (HOHOHO...)

10:58 上午  
Blogger Ying-Hsu said...

hahaha...you guys make me laugh...thanks a lot...

don't get too excited, Mingo...I am NOT coming out (because i am not)...

and boys.. you guys have been fighting from Mingo's blog to Jackie's and now mine???

12:34 下午  
Blogger FT said...

We are not fighting~
This is our way in expressing brotherly love to each other. urr.. I just puked in my mouth a little.

9:47 上午  
Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with ming and lance. and i have to say that it was a well written blog, very honest and funny. that's how we should treat our lives. Be honest to ourselves, don't treat it lightly, but see live like as easy as you can. Life is short, don't waste our time crying over the sad things that happen to us. Enjoy the most out of it.

5:16 上午  


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