昨天 我興沖沖的叫我爸看我的部落格 我爸爸戴著他的老花眼鏡 仔細的一篇篇文章看完之後 若有所思的問了我一句: 別人可不可能從網路上查出這是從哪裡發的 然後找出你的位置? 寫東西要小心點 要寫是很好 多寫些生活上的事 不要提太多政治(之類的話).....我愣了一下 然後開始覺得好笑 問我爸是不是覺得我會被做掉之類的 他表情嚴肅沒有說話 我的心情忽然從好笑變成很悲哀....
我的爸爸是1947年出生的 同年的二月二十八日發生了近代台灣史上最慘烈的屠殺事件 更造成之後40多年的恐怖年代 也就是說 我爸爸從出生就是活在白色恐怖裡.....即使到現在 戒嚴早解除 總統已直選 執政黨已更換 所有人都可以在街上 在報紙上 在電視媒體上大聲罵政府 罵總統....即使是這樣一個年代裡 我爸爸(以及他們那個年代裡的許多人)仍然活在沒有言論自由的恐懼中...
前幾天因為228事件的責任歸屬吵的沸聲揚揚 甚至有人說民進黨和台聯總是拿228來挑起族群分裂 歷史的傷痛應該要淡化 不要只看過去要迎向未來(...之類不負責任的話)
看看我爸爸 怎麼可能忘記?
Hey your papa might be right, 蔣介石的走狗駭客軍團 might just be on their way to hunt you down!
Hsu-sis, such well-formed observation~ (I would've never see that!) It is truly sad that his insecurity comes from that scary era.
I feel ya, Mr. Huang. I am sorry that you had to live through that. It makes me appreciate what we have right now.
in some ways, censorship is not only a problem for totalitarian nations, but also the so called democratic ones~ the fear for consequences brought by speaking out for one's belief is complex and almost impossible to understand unless one's experienced the trauma him/herself... 228, 64, the civil movement, feminist awakening, colonialism, postcolonialism, nazi germany...to name a few... it's an universal human experience; the fear, i meant. It's rather unfortunate that some generations have to go through the horror; in some ways, we all live under that unspoken fear wherever we live.
Maybe it's safer to take precaution... then again, it takes the brave ones to inspire changes. It's simply a matter whether you are willing to live with the outcome of the bravery~
here is to all those who speak out against tyrrany and injustice.
我爸也是啊,我國中的時候有人打電話來做民調,他回答的跟他實際支持的完全不同 :p 他說怕有人對我們家不利,我還笑他太誇張,不過長大以後才體會到在白色恐怖年代下長大的人,某些擔憂是很難去除的吧。
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