真是個寂寞的部落格 Such a "lonely" blog
今天是三月的第一天 我的部落格開張半個月 只有4個意見 其中三個是我弟post的 另一個是我表妹 告訴我他看不懂中文 (看來我得雙語化了)
唉 真是個寂寞的部落格啊
Today is the first day of March, my blog has been open for half a month now. So far, only 4 comments had been posted, three by my brother and one from my cousin who told me she can't read Chinese....I guess I have to start being bilingual ( with my poor English writing ability, i guess it will be a big task)
ahy, such a lonely blog ( i am not even sure if it is right to use lonely this way)
was that Tina??
ok... Jack's been trying to read your blog and she cannot get on.... did you set the blog to be exclusive to certain group of people?? cus she's been trying to read your stuff ( and she's really good at leaving comments~ hahah) but she can't get on!!
so i am the leader of comment board, eh?? wahahahhahhahah... =)
it must be the problem of code...tell her to go to view and then change the decodeing to " unicode"...a lot of people can't read my stuff...i don't know why it is set at unicode...
no....she can't even get onto your blog!!! did you set the block setting??
i didn't set anything ah...strange....let me check
i think you need to walk me trought every setting ...i didn't see anything that's blocking anybody from getting onto my blog ....
did she try the link from your blog?...it works for me
Hello, Ying-hsu sis~
I am one of the regulars of your blog. I can read your entries fine, and I also understand mandarin. But you are such an intellect, unlike Ming, therefore I feel hesitant in leaving comments that would make me sound like an idiot.
All your entries were wonderfully written, please enlighten us more with your writings, keep it up!
By the way, this is Lance, Ming's 學弟 and bum buddy.
what a suck-up..... ahy~
hahaha...thanks Lance
by the way, congratulations on your engagement!!!
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