唉 這樣的社會
我想 我真的該恭喜台灣的媒體,他們真的很成功,成功的把陳水扁總統一家人妖魔化,全都成為十惡不赦的罪人...於是,我們會看到一位半身不遂20幾年,血壓低到不行的第一夫人在法庭上昏倒,卻還被質疑是在作戲,是在耍特權...曾幾何時,我們的社會被成如此的不厚道???
當台中市長夫人邵曉玲嚴重車禍,全台醫生全力搶救時,為什麼沒有人說那是特權?一般人如果跟他一樣應該早就不在了,這不叫特權叫什麼?我不是說邵曉玲女士該死,當然她能平安無事是值得高興的,我也不是說這兩件事該混為一談,我只是想指出媒體的不公平性...明明有這麼多搞特權的事,為什麼有人是十惡不赦?有人卻是應該的??? 因為民進黨永遠都是叛亂份子,都是錯的? 而國民黨永遠是王公貴族,永遠富貴命?? 我真的不明白?? 最近蔣家的第X代蔣友柏兄弟出的一本書叫懸崖邊的貴族,我是不知是不是他們自己取的書名,但我覺得很悲哀,一個特權專制台灣近50年不知殺害多少異議份子的家族,他們的後代仍然在享受特權還自認為貴族卻不會有任何媒體批判...一個民選總統的家人卻連一點最基本的人道關懷都受不到....
well said.
then again, such is politics. These politicians won't be as successful if the people are smarter. In our case, they are not. TW people are evolving~ All these years of monarchy rule and oppression had greatly distorted the characters of this generation. I for one would like to think that there's still hope. I for one believe in truth, and i also believe that once the people wisen up; these polician and media will have to follow as well.
i think taiwanese people are still very much used to the monarchy system, that's why people follow those red shirt ppl, think of those 蔣家 sons as prince, and idolize mr. horse/lien. taiwanese people don't want a president, they want a king. coz when the king holds power and speaks with rules, ppl obey, but when the president bends down to become a people's president, he gets critisized.
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